Thursday, March 22, 2012

Rough Cut feed back

Rough Cut Feed Back

I asked my target audience, what they would change about my rough cut. The feed back i got was very helpful as it helped me come out with a rough idea, as to how i would change my rough cut to make it look professional and so that the audience would buy it.

From asking my target audience questions on a video camera, and giving them a questionnaire, i have come up with the ideas for each page. For my front cover, to improve it they have said they would like to see the names of artists all over the front cover, big and bold so they know what is in the magazine. They've also said that i could so with having, something FREE inside, they've said that my bar code needs to look real, so i need to edit that on photo shop. Another thing they have said is that what ever my main story is needs to stand out against the rest, so i plan to put a background colour on my 'Sophia Mariah's' Story.

For my Contents page improvements, i have been told, that it needs to look full, the magazine needs to look as though it has a lot in it. The pictures need to vary, and there needs to be advertisements, to win things, or get something free, from this i plan to improve my contents by putting more, regulars and features on it, along with some advertisements, i plan to take more photos, and fill any blank space with things from example magazines, for example NME.
For my Double page spread feedback i got told to make the page look more realistic, with page numbers, and quotes, I also got told to put the name of the artist on the top of the page so people know who the story is about, and an introduction into the story to see if the reader really wants to read the whole article.

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